Training field mount and blade
Training field mount and blade

It will also be fairly difficult to catch up to looters because they will be able to outrun you. Before hunting looters, the player should avoid recruiting too many troops at first, because with the more units you have, the slower your moment speed on the map will be. For new players, we recommend going after looters due to these bandits being easy to beat while providing decent loot for beginners. In Bannerlord hunting bandit parties can be an excellent way for players to farm both money, and XP, for their character and troops.

training field mount and blade

Using a One-handed weapon and shield will allow for players to have an easier time blocking in combat, while they get more comfortable with the combat system.

training field mount and blade training field mount and blade

Because of this, we suggest players, when they are able too, to buy a shield and pair it with a one-hand weapon like a sword or axe. When fighting in this game, making one wrong move can often prove fatal, due to how difficult the blocking system’s learning curve is. One of the best aspects of Mount & Blade’s core game-play is how challenging and in-depth the combat is. Situations like this are where multiple save games come handy. You might make mistakes cause an important story quest to fail, or lose a battle and get imprisoned and lose all your followers and some valuable items. Players should remember to save often while playing the game because you never know what will happen in this game. So with that in mind, here are some helpful starting tips for Mount & Blade II Bannerlord.

training field mount and blade

Don’t be discouraged because Mount & Blade is generally hard for newbies to start out in and has a steep learning curve. If you are new to the Mount & Blade series and just got Bannerlord, you might be feeling somewhat overwhelmed and confused about what to do.

Training field mount and blade